Historic methods of Coffee growing in Honduras

Coffee is one of the profitable exports in Central America. Many countries possess top of the line coffee but only Honduras produce some of the best organic coffee beans in the world. The Central American country has a history as rich as their coffee bean. The play a vital role in spreading the message of organic agriculture throughout the region as well as training and educating fellow organic co-ops around the country. The COMSA region is home to some of the most widely consumed coffee in the world and have been able to lead the way in agriculture in the area through utilizing old farm methods that have lasted generations and matching the with modern day technology. This has resulted in a growth in organic production that no one could have ever imagined.

Honduras Comsa Coffee

The Catuai COMSA region in Honduras was founded by 62 farmers in late 2000 with plans to change the growing methods of the region. In 2001 they received certification as an organic entity by Bio Latina. They developed a growing technique that helped yield healthy and natural catuai coffee and in 2006 they received Free trade status. They are backed by the CEDECO which is the Cororacion Educativa para el Desarrollo Costarricense who protects the farmers and their organic practices.

How does it grow?

Cultivating the crop in Central America is much different than other regions in the world. The naturally processed crop is produced in clay mineral soil during the December-February months. It is grown in an altitude of 1200-1600 meters above sea level and left sun dry causing it to create a crisp nutritious crop for the farmer. It is fully washed as well as shade grown to ensure the final result is pleasurable for the consumer. Rich Coffee Roasters offers the highest quality of coffee bean in the world and any bean coming from the COMSA region will back that up on its own.

How does it taste

Taste is a major part of the process. The exportation of the bean would not happen if the bean produced a lousy coffee once brewed. With the organic growing methods the coffee bean holds on to an herbal nuttiness combined with a caramel flavor while still keeping its rustic sweetness with the addition of brown sugar and milk chocolate. It is known for its crispness and fruity flavors. There’s usually a medium to full body with honey mango and bitter chocolate flavors. The region is proud to produce such a tasty coffee and distribute it throughout the world. Rich Coffee Roasters have a fascination with organic and quality products.

Although the region has had much success over the years it has actually been a rough go at yielding a full crop over the last three years. Complications with coffee leaf rust have resulted in the region losing over half of its crop in 2013. This is a major blow to the farmers who have to shell out extra money to take care of the rust problem while simultaneous paying for someone to pick the non-rusted plants. When a coffee plant rust it is no longer usable so it now becomes a loss. Keeping the area free of rust conditions is tough task with the humidity and heavy dew during the winter months. The humidity allows for the growth of the crop to create a strong crop once picked. Rich Coffee Roasters will provide you with a strong organic coffee only found in Honduras and regarded around the world as one of tastiest there is.